November 29, 2015

9 Months Old

It's strange to think that Brandon has been with us in the world for as long as he was growing in my belly.  I love this kid so much.

This month Brandon had his first Halloween!  I bought his costume a year ago and it's what inspired the whole family costume theme.  He was super cute so people gave us candy "for the baby" even though he was obviously too young to eat it.

He is not a picky eater at all!  We have given him a pretty wide range of foods now (still mostly puree, except for his puffs/wagon wheels/misc snacky foods that he eats regularly) and he does great with everything.  He eats everything we put in front of him.  I went into this with the intention that I would make all of his baby food like I did when Andrew was this age but really, pouches are so easy!  I didn't totally fail though, I have made Brandon several homemade purees but I've also been able to find some amazing deals on baby food pouches so I don't feel quite as bad :)

Brandon got his first haircut!  Aaron had been asking me to do it for a few months and I finally agreed that his hair really was getting in his face.  I was sad to see the cute baby hair go but it really does look better now.  I think we'll still have quite a while between haircuts for a while though- now that it's been evened out it shouldn't get so scraggly as it grows.

He is starting to show interest in a lot more than just whatever toy is closest.  He likes to head over to the play kitchen now and get out either the play food to chew on or the pots and pans to bang together.  He has also adopted the dining room as his personal jungle gym.  Now that I have painted my new kitchen chairs, the dining chairs are back where they go and Brandon has a great time crawling and climbing between the legs of the chairs and table.  One time I even found that he had brought a ball over there and was essentially chasing it around.  He was suspended on the rungs at the bottom of a chair when I found him, reaching for the ball he had swatted just out of reach.

I love seeing his little personality come out as he grows.  He and Andrew are definitely brothers and yet they are totally unique little people.

New things this month:
First Haircut

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