August 27, 2012

Beach Day!

This weekend we went with Austin, Mariko, and Harrison to Cape Henlopen State Park in Delaware for a beach day!  We took a bit of a risk with the weather, but it ended up being pretty good- overcast/cloudy and windy, but still warm enough to enjoy the water.

The waves were super strong and big- we could be standing in ankle deep water and a wave could come along and get us wet to our waists or higher!

Because of the waves, there was seafoam everywhere.  I've been to the beach lots of times in my life but I don't remember ever seeing this much seafoam (which was not a pretty green color, by the way).  Harrison was having a blast running around in it.

Aaron and I went for a little walk along the beach.  We enjoy people watching, and as we were walking, we saw a group of four guys (college age, probably) standing around in short-ish swim shorts, talking.  One of them had short, dark hair.  The other three, however, had long, bleach-blond hair, blowing in the wind.  I couldn't help but laugh- to me they looked like Lucius Malfoy x3.  And can you imagine Lucius Malfoy enjoying himself on the beach?

We had to keep moving our stuff farther and farther from the water as the tide was rising.  At one point our things got soaked by the tide while we were all in the water.  Dang.  Soon after that, we decided to pack up, and as we were getting ready to do, we started to feel the rain starting.  Good time to leave!  Unfortunately everyone else thought so too, so the lines were super long at the bath house to shower and change.  (Thank you, silly people who took 20 minute showers when the rest of us just wanted to rinse off!)

All in all, a fun day!

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